This XeteX project showcases a custom energy recovery unit for a school featuring an energy efficient enthalpy wheel positioned at a 90-degree angle and a water source heat pump to supply standard heating and cooling as well as...
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Featured XeteX Projects
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- custom air handler
- energy recovery
- energy recovery ventilation
- packaged refrigeration
- dedicated outdoor air system
- pool natatorium dehumidification

desiccant dehumidification, energy recovery wheel
Indoor Desiccant Dehumidification with Active Regen Energy Wheel
This custom XeteX basis of design indoor dehumidifier utilizes a desiccant wheel to deliver dry air for a glass manufacturing production and storage area. Solid state desiccant is a proven method to reliably deliver much drier...

custom erv, energy recovery wheel
RTU with Energy Recovery Enthalpy Wheel, Chilled Water & Hot Water Coils
This XeteX custom roof top unit with an energy recovery wheel is a high-quality solution that not only helps buildings breathe better but also enhances overall indoor climate comfort and energy efficiency for a prestigious...

custom air handler, sound absorbing design, energy recovery wheel
Custom RTU: Sound Absorbing Design & Energy Efficiency
See inside this XeteX custom HVAC air handling unit for a 52,000-square-foot community center. It is one of four custom HVAC rooftop units specifically designed for ultra-quiet operation, energy efficiency, indoor air quality,...

energy recovery wheel, aluminum weight savings design
Custom ERV with Active Regen Desiccant Wheel & Enthalpy Wheel
Equipped with dual energy recovery wheels, this XeteX indoor custom ERV is one of five for a 12-story office high-rise specifically designed for a low-delivered dewpoint of 42F. Paired with a chilled beam system, the XeteX units...